Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

-S.O.M.E.T.I.M.E.S., W.O.R.D.S. A.R.E. N.O.T. E.N.O.U.G.H. T.O. E.X.P.L.A.I.N. W.H.A.T. T.H.E. H.E.A.R.T. C.O.N.T.E.N.T.-

Thursday, May 24, 2012

S.E.N.Y.U.M.L.A.H. S.A.H.A.B.A.T.

Malam indah yang kulewati,
Saat melihat hamparan lautan
Mengingatkanku kepada Yang Maha Esa
Hilang rinduku pada sejuk & rahmatnya alam ini,
Tapi ada sisa rinduku yang bergetar,
Melambai-lambai bayanganmu yang jauh
Senyumlah sahabatku
Agar aku dapat merasakan manisnya senyumanmu
Walau aku jauh..

It takes seventeen muscles to smile, and forty three to frown (^-^)
a smile would brighten up even at your darkest day

Special greeting;
Happy birthday to sweet fellow of mine,
Cik Jasmin Jaraee
Semoga dipanjangkan umur dalam ketaatan, dikurniakan kebahagiaan dunia akhirat,
There's nothing I could wish other than for all the happiness you could have wanted in this world to lead you to eternal jannah
Semoga dikurniakan kekuatan utk menjadi 'Bidadari di dunia & di akhirat' kelak (^-^)

*We've been friends for 8 years, and I'm praying it would last till jannah* ~~
special dedication khas utk cik Jasmin~lagu di atas
-min, colour yg awak suka!!!! (^-^)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

-Hidup tak selalunya indah, tetapi yang indah itu tetap hidup dalam kenangan-

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sebarkan Bahagia

Bahagia itu bukan destinasi
yang belum pasti
bahagia ada setiap hari
dinikmati oleh hati

Bahagia anugerah Ilahi
berhak dimiliki
buat siapa yang mencari
dengan petunjuk hakiki

Bahagia perlu diciptakan
bukan sekadar diangankan
dalam setiap keadaan
dalam setiap kesempatan

Usah terus sengsara
bahagiamu di depan mata
ciptakanlah bahagia
dan sebarkan bahagia


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

song for the week (^-^)

 “A pure heart, open to the Light, will be filled with the elixir of Truth.”
“My head is bursting with the joy of the unknown!”
“Pull the thorn of existence out of the heart! Fast! For when you do, you will see thousands of rose gardens in yourself.”
“Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.”
“Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel. I am a carpenter of my own soul.”
“Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave till it gets to the shore.”
“You miss the garden, because you want a small fig from a random tree.”
-Jalaal-ud-Deen Ar-Roomi-

Don’t feel ashamed when giving little for charity; that is because there is always goodness in giving no matter how little it is.
-Ali Ibn Abi-Talib-
Translated by : Amany Elmorshidy